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Site Title

Web Publishing & Media Design

Travel Destination Website:

Due: SEPTEMBER 11th, 2024



Must answer the question:

Why Should Someone Want To Visit This Place?

for your audience (the Internet) (55pts)


Required pages on the website

(6 is minimum, more than 6 is recommended):


1. "Home" Page (like a title page) The Name of your travel destination...and include the best picture of your your travel destination (use as a background), with navigation to the other 5 subpages below (22pts)


2. "Things To See" Page—tourist hotspots, historic locations, physical land features, buildings, architecture, famous or beautiful sites to see, natural wonders (waterfalls, beaches, mountains, lakes, canyons, caves, deserts, rivers, trees, rock formations, etc), local wildlife, cultural locations, man-made wonders, monuments— find unique characteristics that make your travel destination special, and make people want to visit there. Be sure to include plenty of pictures on this page showing each the best things to see which you chose to highlight. Including videos will make this page even better (55pts)


3. "Things to Do" Page—list of things to do while visiting, where to go sightseeing, leisure activities, adventure opportunities, cultural activities. Plus give a list all of the available recreation activities day and night, both indoor and outdoor: such as hiking, biking, nightlife, festivals, dining out, restaurants, theater, museums, zoos, and any other interesting attractions. Be sure to include plenty of pictures on this page showing each the best things to do which you chose to highlight. Including videos will make this page even better (55pts)


4. "Geography & Weather" Page—describe where this place is located in the world, include maps. Plus how to get there (transportation). List the Population. Talk about major geographic features (coastlines, mountains, rivers, deserts, forests), list major cities (or neighborhoods if your place is a city). Include Pictures. Plus explain what hemisphere, continent, time zone, and neighboring areas  AND describe the climate and weather patterns that can be expected while visiting during the four different seasons of the year. Have a link to current updated weather for your travel destination (22pts)


5. "Culture & History" Page—Talk about the human factor here...explain cultural things such as the main leaders, native people, famous people, language, food, music, fashion, art, sports, religion, royalty, and government. Also include a brief history of your location  (55pts)


6. "Sources" Page—list all of your sources (10 sources MINIMUM) as hyperlinks to the websites where you found all of your information and pictures. (22pts)



This is an example of a very creative travel destination site:


Teacher Example example of a travel destination site (work in progress):



Do not limit your website only to required pages, expand and include things that make your chosen location unique—everyone’s website will be uniquely different

(55 Pts)



In order to try to persuade people to visit your selected travel destination, you will need to have HIGH quality photographic, you will be graded on the amount and quality of the pictures/videos/graphics you selected to help show-off your chosen location. Minimum is FIVE (5) Visuals per required page (except for the home and sources page of one each) for 22 in total.



Don’t just stick to the minimum, remember the minimum is equal to a grade of a “D".


Whenever possible, include visuals—use lots of pictures and videos: “A visual speaks a thousand words”


Find high quality images on the Internet (files larger than 1024x763)


Usually, do not include large amounts of text—if you need to explain things with tons of text, maybe you should think about breaking it over onto an extra webpage and call it “additional information on…” or something similar to that...



​Please remember, this is a school assignment & while you are a student in the Fallbrook Union High School District, all general district & school-wide rules on acceptable content must be followed



All language should be proper and ALL content of images must be school appropriate and conform to district/school rules as appropriate material.

****REMEMBER: If you have to question, “I wonder if this would be OK to use?”, then it is probably NOT okay to use that image or language anywhere in your web site****


Unacceptable content includes (but is not limited to):

NO Drugs/vices including

NO non-prescribed medications

NO marijuana

NO alcohol

NO tobacco

NO Illegal Drugs

NO Drug paraphernalia

NO nudity or indecently dressed persons (bikinis, thongs, nets, etc.)

NO profanity

NO vulgar language (written, verbal, sign, or symbolic language)

NO swear words in any language

NO guns/weapons

NO images of anything that is glorifying violence, drugs, alcohol, abuse, crime (i.e. a tattoo picture of “420”)





Web Publishing Project


This Website will be turned in by completing components by a deadline, with five component pages due at different times: 


(page numbers 1-5) due Tuesday, 02-07-2023

(page numbers 6-10) due Friday, 02-10-2023

(page numbers 11-15) due Thursday, 02-16-2023


This website is about you, it is a personal website composed of component pages that make up who you are...


Entire website when completed will be worth 555pts in Total...

and will be completed using the content management system (CMS) of you will be constructing a personal website that will be published live on the Internet.


Numerous component pages will be needed, along with required pages


(Minimun requirement of pages is 15 WEB PAGES TOTAL with at least 30 images is the minimum for 555pts):





1. "Home" Page Have only ONE really good image/graphic/background of yourself or something you created..."Name the page with your own name" (do not name this page home page)...You will need to have functioning menu in the header section with links to all other pages in your website (this like the cover of a magazine) the footer section, put links to your social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc (33pts)


2. Bio Page—describing events in your life (from birth to now), where you live, brief interests (each will be explained better with their own individual page in your website), including pictures showing who you are and what you like to do (include photos)   (33pts)


3. School Page—page describing you as a student here at Ivy—your favorite subjects, courses you are enrolled, all your teachers, friends, etc. (include photos). (33pts)


4. Family Page—describing the members of your family...these are close relatives, parents, guardians, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, close family friends (can be living or passed away)...those persons who are closest to you, have taken care of you and helped to raise you, and have been the most important people in your life (include photos)   (33pts)


5. Friends Page—talking about who your current friends are and why they are your friends (include photos)   (33pts)


6. Foods Page—describing your favorite foods (with pictures), restaurants, and reasons why you like the food and the restaurants you have listed   (33pts)


7. Music Page—your favorite types and artists of music—include pictures as well as links to songs and videos   (33pts)


8. Aspirations (Hopes) Page—what would you like to be in your future (job/career)… .include your plans on how you are going to get there (include photos)   (33pts)


9. Travel Page—places you have been that you will never forget, include pictures, and google maps locations...PLUS include at least one place anywhere in the world where you would love to travel and see, and explain your reasons for selecting this place, and include pictures and a google map pinpointing of the location of the place    (33pts)


10. Contact Page—how do people reach you: DO NOT give your phone number or home address, just include at contact form and a picture of yourself    (33pts)


11-15. Interests Pagesat least FIVE (5) ADDITIONAL pages SEPARATELY describing ADDITIONAL interests you have.(include plenty of photos on each of the extra 5 pages that you select)  (33 x 5 = 165pts)

These include (but are not limited to): 

  • Your Pets (current and/or passed away)...or animals your would like to have as pets 

  • Fashion, (Favorite Clothing/Shoes/Hats/Purse/Coats), Jewelry, Tatoos (be careful!)

  • Favorite Activities (Exercise, Yoga, Martial Arts, Hiking, Biking, Boating, Hunting, Singing, Horseback Riding, Driving, Sand Castles, etc.)

  • Hobbies--for example: working with wood or metal, drawing/sketching, painting, photography, cooking, making jewelry, writing, shopping, playing in a band, gardening, restoring cars, astrology, magic, fortune telling, horses, pet agility, insects, etc 

  • Electronics, Computer, Smartphone, Stereo  

  • Video Games, Games (Chess, Corn Hole, Pool, Billiards, Scrabble, Poker)  

  • Television Shows (past/current), Television Networks (HSN, ESPN, Cooking/Food, etc)

  • Books you've read or would like to read), Magazines, All your Favorite Movies

  • Religion, Fantasy, Politics, Art, Philosophy, Poetry, Literature, Opera, Astronomy 

  • Sports (Football, Soccer, Surfing, Skateboard, Snowboard, Baseball, Basketball, Golfing, Boxing, UFC, Volleyball, etc) 

  • Collectables...just a few examples: Antiques, Sports Memorabilia such as Baseball Cards, Signatures, Jerseys, Comic Books, Superhero or Fantasy Figurines, Precious Moments, Models, Toy Cars, Rocks, Sea Shells, Heart-Shaped Things, Butterflies, Coins, Stamps, Souvenirs, Spoons, Stuffed Animals, Dolls, Music, Tools, Key Chains

  • Places you like to just hang-out

  • Favorite Celebrities, Mentors, Role Models 

  • Favorite Vehicle such as Sports Cars, Trucks, Bikes, Motorcycles, Boats, Planes, etc. 

  • YouTube Videos that you love 




Overall, your website must clearly answer the question, “Who am I” for your audience (the Internet)

(55pts of the 555pts TOTAL)




(485) A:

(475) A:

(475) A:

(440) B+:







  • Do not limit your website only to required pages, expand and include things that make you unique—everyone’s website will be uniquely different...your entire website is worth 555PTS TOTAL


  • Whenever possible, include pictures—use lots of pictures: “A visual speaks a thousand words” Bring in your own picture (we can scan in old photos), find images on the Internet, take pictures with your camera/cell phone and use them, use pictures from photography class  (75pts of the 555 total pts)


  • Usually, do not include large amounts of text—if you need to explain things with tons of text, maybe you should think about breaking it over  onto an extra webpage and call it “additional information on…” or something similar to that…


Please remember, this is a school assignment & while you are a student in the Fallbrook Union High School District, all general district & school-wide rules on acceptable content must be followed


All language should be proper and ALL content of images must be school appropriate and conform to district/school rules as appropriate material.


****REMEMBER: If you have to question, “I wonder if this would be OK to use?”, then it is probably NOT okay to use that image or language anywhere in your web site****


Unacceptable content includes (but is not limited to):

NO Drugs/vices including

NO non-prescribed medications

NO marijuana

NO alcohol

NO tobacco

NO Illegal Drugs

NO Drug paraphernalia

NO nudity or indecently dressed persons (bikinis, thongs, nets, etc.)

NO profanity

NO vulgar language (written, verbal, sign, or symbolic language)

NO swear words in any language

NO guns/weapons

NO images of anything that is glorifying violence, drugs, alcohol, abuse, crime (i.e. a tattoo picture of “420”)




Movie Review Web Publishing Project

Due: APRIL 29TH, 2024

(project value - 222pts)  


This website should answer the question:

"Why would someone want to watch this movie?"


  • "Home" Page—The name of the Movie and year it was released, Plus the best quote you can find from the movie with the reference of who said it (1-2 sentences) use the single best image your found of the movie (this should look just like the cover of a book) with navigation to the other 6 subpages below (22pts)


  • "The Main Characters/Actors" Page—list all of the main characters of the movie with the matching actor/actress whom played that role in the movie...include a picture of each actor/actress your have listed (33pts)


  • "The Plot" Pageexplain all that happens in the movie from the beginning to the end. Explain why the events happen as well. Be sure to include the names of the characters in this description. Also include (5) images from the movie inserted in place to where exactly they happened in your description of the plot. (55pts)


  • "Media" Page—links to (5) video clips of the movie, (1) link to the promotional trailer video, and at least (1) link to music used in the movie. Include a list of the musical soundtrack as well. Plus include other images like movie posters, promotional ads (55pts)


  • "The Awards/Ratings" Page — tell of the ratings by the critics, plus how much money the movie made at the box office, and any historical records it might have set, and all of the awards it has received. (22pts)


  • "Movie Review" Pageexplain why you think this is the best movie of all time and that everyone should see this movie...explain in a way that you are persuading people to watch this movie, to back up your argument, you need to include the reviews of other famous critics that agree with your points as to why this is such a great movie (22pts)


  • "About the Critic and Sources" Page—tell a little about yourself, including your email and a picture of yourself. At the bottom of the page, list all of your sources as hyperlinks to the websites where you found all of your information and graphics of your selected movie. (11pts)


Do not limit your website only to required pages, expand and include things that make your chosen movie unique—everyone’s website will be uniquely different


(22pts) In order to try to persuade people to watch your selected movie, you will need to have HIGH quality photographic images and video clips...

so, you will be graded on the amount and quality of the pictures/videos/graphics you have chosen to help show-off your chosen movie and persuade people to watch it.

Minimum is 4 Visuals per required page (except for the home and sources page of one each) for 22 in total.


Don’t just stick to the minimum, remember the minimum is equal to a grade of a “D"

Whenever possible, include visuals—use lots of pictures and videos: “A visual speaks a thousand words”
Find high quality images on the Internet

(files larger than 1024x763)

Usually, do not include large amounts of text—if you need to explain things with tons of text, maybe you should think about breaking it over onto an extra webpage and call it “additional information on…” or something similar to that...



Please remember, this is a school assignment & while you are a student in the Fallbrook Union High School District, all general district & school-wide rules on acceptable content must be followed


All language should be proper and ALL content of images must be school appropriate and conform to district/school rules as appropriate material.


****REMEMBER: If you have to question, “I wonder if this would be OK to use?”, then it is probably NOT okay to use that image or language anywhere in your web site****


Unacceptable content includes (but is not limited to):

  • NO Drugs/vices including

    • NO non-prescribed medications

    • NO marijuana...NO alcohol..NO tobacco

    • NO Illegal Drugs...NO Drug paraphernalia

  • NO nudity or indecently dressed persons (bikinis, thongs, nets, etc.)

  • NO profanity...NO vulgar language (written, verbal, sign, symbolic language)

    • NO swear words in any language

    • NO guns/weapons

  • NO images of anything that is glorifying violence, drugs, alcohol, abuse, crime (i.e. a tattoo picture of “420”)




Favorite Animal Website (222pts)

DUE: Thursday December 15th, 2022


Must answer the question:

How is this Animal different from all others?

for your audience, the Internet (55pts)


Required pages on the website

(6 is the minimum):


1. Home Page (like a title page) Name of your animal...and include the best picture of your animal, with navigation to the other 5 subpages below (22pts)


2. Description Page—animal type, species, physical features—what it looks like (color, size), unique characteristics, skin/fur, appendages, camouflage, numbers in the wild, endangered or not, sounds it makes. You should include a video on this page. (33pts)


3. Geography/Habitat Page—describe where the animal can be found and lives, include global maps and local habitat/environment images. (22pts)


4. Behaviors Page(s)—Describe the life style of the animal: what it eats, how it hunts/gathers food, its habits, its skills, its abilities, its relationship to man, migration practices (if any), social needs, odd behaviors, protective behaviors, mating, raising offspring, communication with other animals, survival behaviors, etc. (22pts)


5. Myths and Legends Page—use in worship/religion, symbolic use of animal, use of animal literature and film, animal in lyrics, misunderstandings about animal   (22pts)


6. About the Researcher and Sources Page—talk about why you chose this animal for the subject of your website, plus tell a little about yourself, including your email and a picture of yourself. At the bottom of the page, list all of your sources

(10 sources MINIMUM) as hyperlinks to the websites where you found all of your information and pictures. (22pts)


Do not limit your website only to required pages, expand and include things that make your chosen animal unique—everyone’s website will be uniquely different


(33 Pts) You will be graded on the amount and quality of the pictures/videos/graphics you selected to help show-off your chosen animal. Minimum is FIVE (5) Visuals per required page (except for the home sources page of one each) for 22 in total.

  • Don’t just stick to the minimum, remember the minimum is equal to a grade of a “D".

  • Whenever possible, include pictures—use lots of pictures: “A visual speaks a thousand words”

  • Find high quality images on the Internet (files larger than 1024x763)


​Usually, do not include large amounts of text—if you need to explain things with tons of text, maybe you should think about breaking it over onto an extra webpage and call it “additional information on…” or something similar to that...


Please remember, this is a school assignment & while you are a student in the Fallbrook Union High School District, all general district & school-wide rules on acceptable content must be followed


All language should be proper and ALL content of images must be school appropriate and conform to district/school rules as appropriate material.

****REMEMBER: If you have to question, “I wonder if this would be OK to use?”, then it is probably NOT okay to use that image or language anywhere in your web site****


Unacceptable content includes (but is not limited to):

NO Drugs/vices including

NO non-prescribed medications

NO marijuana

NO alcohol

NO tobacco

NO Illegal Drugs

NO Drug paraphernalia

NO nudity or indecently dressed persons (bikinis, thongs, nets, etc.)

NO profanity

NO vulgar language (written, verbal, sign, or symbolic language)

NO swear words in any language

NO guns/weapons

NO images of anything that is glorifying violence, drugs, alcohol, abuse, crime (i.e. a tattoo picture of “420”)






Musical Artist Web Site (222pts)


DUE December 1st2022 


Must effectively answer question:

“Why do I admire this Musical Artist”

for your audience on the Internet


Using the content management system (CMS) of

you will be constructing a personal website that will be published and live on the Internet



teacher generated model/example:



SEVEN (7) is the MINIMUM NUMBER OF PAGES for this Website Design:


1. Home PageName this page after your Musical Artist's Name, it's like a title page with navigation to the other 6 pages below. ALSO: Include on the homepage links to the Artist's Social media sites of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, Google+.....

ALSO: you must write a haiku about this music, and display it prominently on your music homepage here.  (33pts)


2. Bio Page—describe events in the musician’s life (from birth to now), where they are from, family life, music career, brief interests, include pictures  of them (33pts)


3. Music Style Page—Describe the style and type of music of your artist, a.k.a the artist's musical "genre"—include LOTS of pictures of your artist, album covers, pictures of them singing in concert, as well as links to songs and videos. Also Include a current (or most recent in the past) concert tour list of dates.  (33pts)


4. Body of Work Page—listing of all the Albums by the musician, with a breakdown of all the songs on each album. Be sure to include music from any movie soundtracks that they might have as well.   (33pts)


5. Videos and Lyrics Page—Have lyrics to at least 5 songs of the musical artist. For each Lyric, have a link to YouTube video of the song. (55pts)


6. Awards Page—Explain honors and awards received by this artist. Also, list music singles and albums that have made it into the top charts (and the peak number each reached). Include current concert tour dates (if any)   (22pts)


7. About the Researcher Page—tell a little about yourself, EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE THE #1 FAN OF YOUR CHOSEN MUSICAL ARTIST. Also be sure to include a contact form so people can contact you if they chose. Then, At the bottom of the page, list all of your sources as hyperlinks to the websites where you found all of your information and graphics of your selected artist (11pts).



Do not limit your website only to required pages, expand and include things that make your chosen artist unique—everyone’s website will be uniquely different


Whenever possible, include pictures: 

A Visual Speaks A Thousand Words

Find high quality images on the Internet

(files larger than 1024x763) ...

Use LOTS of pictures ... 

Thirty (30) is the minimum for this website, but you should have more:


Usually, do not include large amounts of text—if you need to explain things with tons of text, maybe you should think about breaking it over onto an extra webpage and call it “additional information on…” or something similar to that



teacher generated example:




Please remember, this is a school assignment & while you are a student in the Fallbrook Union High School District, all general district & school-wide rules on acceptable content must be followed


All language should be proper and ALL content of images must be school appropriate and conform to district/school rules as appropriate material.


****REMEMBER: If you have to question, “I wonder if this would be OK to use?”, then it is probably NOT okay to use that image or language anywhere in your web site****


Unacceptable content includes (but is not limited to):

NO Drugs/vices including

NO non-prescribed medications

NO marijuana

NO alcohol

NO tobacco

NO Illegal Drugs

NO Drug paraphernalia

NO nudity or indecently dressed persons (bikinis, thongs, nets, etc.)

NO profanity

NO vulgar language (written, verbal, sign, or symbolic language)

NO swear words in any language

NO guns/weapons

NO images of anything that is glorifying violence, drugs, alcohol, abuse, crime (i.e. a tattoo picture of “420”)





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