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You will be completing this project as a one large group, becoming an expert on your disorder throughout the trimester, then presenting it to your fellow students while they all complete their fact-finding sheets for all the disorders, and learn from you (see below for more details)...



There are 4 parts to the process of finishing your Psychology Disorder Project:




ONE: Disorder Research





TWO: Create – a Google Slides Presentation visually and verbally describing your disorder accurately:


  • Minimum number of slides is 20 (at least 10 slides with written information and 10 slides with vivid images)

  • Use many clear and vivid visuals (at least 100k for pictures) for each part of the project. TIP: When doing image searches on…from the left column, select “large” in the size section and Google will only do searches for large, clear pictures for you (smaller ones will not show up)

  • Use realistic examples whenever possible – news stories that can be applied to the disorder, your own experiences, or examples from your book, notes, the movies, television, or the Internet

  • Use 18pt Times New Roman as your default font on all slides—no other font choice will be accepted

  • DO NOT COPY AND PASTE…As you do your research and begin to compile information onto slides, remember that the work your write down must be your own, in your own words. Info from any website (like is intellectual property of that site and copying and pasting it into your project accounts as academic dishonesty and will result in a failure (F) grade for the entire project. Easy way for teacher to check: “What does this word you used mean?” and if you cannot answer, then the word was plagiarized

  • Share your Google Slides Presentation with your teacher (give permission to edit)


1. Create a Title Slide, Disorder name and Your Name & the best single image you have found that illustrated your disorder


2. Clearly provide General Description/Information of your chosen disorder (min 2 slides)…

  • Definition #1 = Include an actual medical journal definition (be sure to put the definition in quotes and site the source for the definition so that it is not plagiarism

  • Definition #2 = Include a 2nd definition in your own words—one that is in “layman’s” terms and thus easier for your fellow classmates to understand

  • Give a description of the mental disorder category fitting your disorder (from of these 10): personality, neurological, anxiety, mood, eating, sleeping, psychotic, developmental, factitious, somatoform

  • Give any extra details that sets this disorder apart from others (answers the question: “what makes this a unique disorder?”)


3. Explain the Causes – what are all the things making it possible for a person to have this disorder  (min 1 slide)

  • Genetics, family upbringing, fears, stress, substance abuse, experiences, other disorders, trauma, etc.


4. Describe Symptoms & Behaviors – signs that are a good indication a person might have a particular disorder (min 1 slide)

  • Symptoms display what makes a person with your disorder different from a “normal” person

  • Symptoms are usually the things that cause a behavior—thoughts, desires, fears, needs, feelings

  • Symptoms are the things giving clues that a person might have your disorder

  • Behaviors are the observable actions of a person that show that they have a disorder

  • Remember: some behaviors will overlap symptoms (example: drug abuse could be both a symptom & a behavior)


5. Treatment to help a person diagnosed with the disorder—the types of therapy and the medication used to help the person cope with their problem (min 3 slides)

  • Psychotherapy—treatment focusing of strategies to help deal with the disorder. Examples of psychotherapy include: sessions with a therapist/psychologist, exposure therapy, group therapy, anger management, hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dream therapy

  • Pharmacotherapy—prescribing medication to help with the disorder (anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic)

  • Alternative treatment methods include: surgery, implants, meditation, natural herbs, acupuncture, institutionalization, electro-shock therapy,cranial electrotherapy stimulation, self-help


6. Give Statistics on the numbers of people afflicted with the disorder (min 1 slide)

  • Could be percentages of the entire population, actual numbers of people, ratios, or estimations


7. List all Famous People with the disorder and include their picture.

  • Persons should be generally well known and can be currently alive, or deceased, or could be famous fictional character from a book or movie who have had the disorder (min 1 slide)




THREE: Presentation – you become the expert and the teacher to your fellow classmates (jigsaw1 part)


  • You need to clearly explain your researched disorder to the rest of the class while your Google Slides Presentation is being projected onto the classroom screen

  • You may want to provide extra visuals, a guest speaker (with the disorder), videos clips, music, etc. – anything that might help you get your points across to the class

  • Be prepared to answer questions from classmates (and the teacher)




FOUR: Fact-Finding Assessment Sheet for Psychology Disorders (jigsaw2 part)


  • Using an fact-finding sheet (provided by your teacher), you will be gathering the required information from all of the other personality disorders presented by your fellow classmates within their Google Slides Presentations. (In order to complete the entire assessment, you need to be in class for other presentations, so you can’t make up any absence)

  • Information that is omitted or missing will hurt the presenter’s overall grade—your teacher will fill in any missing parts to the class to help complete the fact-finding sheets of students in the class

  • Do not forget that you must also complete the specific section for your own selected disorder on the fact finding sheet


 Psychology Final Project: 

DUE: Various Parts Every Two Weeks

(BE Ready to Present by February 1, 2023)


Selected Psychological Disorder Presentation

(Jigsaw Group Project)

Disorder Rubric (1).jpg
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