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Current progress model example of GOOGLE SLIDES PORTFOLIO:


current progress website example ivy digital photography T3 2020-2021




The Following RUBRIC For Photographic Images will be used by your teacher to assess your artistic compositions:

Photo Rubric.jpg


Photography Portfolio

Components and pages Will be due DUE periodically



Final Portfolio Website will have a minimum of 20* Webpages (to be considered for Palomar College Credit), but webpages will be due periodically during the trimester for each of the various Foundations of Photographic Art that are being covered and emphasized 


(I.) - HomePage (change the name of this page to your name!!) This page will be showing at least (1) of your best images (photo can be used as the website background) COMBINED with a HAIKU* you have written that sums up your photography in three this page needs to have your name and a “brief” description of your connections to photography. This page acts like a book cover to get people’s attention with easy to find links which can be clicked on to go to all of the following pages for your website.



(II.) - Bio” Page showing at least (5 )images of yourself (**these are the only images on this website that could have been taken by someone else**) along with a “detailed” written description about who you are as a photography person. (**some images on your “BIO” page could have been taken by other people—and you need to mention & give credit to the person who took that image of you**)



(III.) -ContactPage with your name, (1) image you have taken, and ways of contacting you: your email and any social media you use such as, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. DO NOT Include your Phone Number or Home Address



(IV.) - Foundations of Photographic ArtPage--include the best two images (2) that you feel have the most of the foundations present in it to highlight on this page. Two images is the minimum, but your are free to include as many as you like. Then, for the "Foundations of Photographic Art" this is like a table of contents page. Each of the 11 Foundations need to be listed on this page. Then, On this page you will have links--click on each named foundation and it will link to and open up a sub-page with a detailed description of each foundation. The 11 Foundation sub-pages will ALSO showcase a total of 121 of your own images that illustrate a specific foundation along with descriptions of how that foundation is found in each of your images (details of the sub-pages are below).​​




  • 1-"Lines" Sub-Page--description of Lines and what they add to the beauty of a composition. Also, you must include a listing and description of the different types of lines, plus a description of why leading lines are so important in photography. Then, you need to have eleven (11) images of your own showing each of the various types of lines. PLUS For each of the eleven (11) images, you need to include a description of how that type of line is found in each image you selected:

    • ​a. LEADING LINES (6)

    • b. IMPLIED LINES (1)


    • d. VERTICAL LINES (1)

    • e. DIAGONAL LINES (1)

    • f. ORGANIC LINES (1)



  • 2-"Texture" Sub-Page--description of what Texture is and how it helps to improve the quality of an image. Include eleven (11) images of your own which show each DIFFERENT type of texture: SOUND(2), TASTE (2), SMELL (2), TOUCH (5)...For each of  the eleven (11) images, you need to include a description of how the specific texture you are highlighting is found in each of the unique and different images you selected, plus explain how this use of texture helped to improve the composition and make it a more powerful image




  • 3-"Rhythm" Sub Page--description of what Rhythm is and how incorporating it into a photographic composition improves the quality of the image....Plus a listing and description of: the (3) three different types of patterns, emphasizing the pattern, breaking the pattern, the (4) four different types of Rhythm...NEXT include ELEVEN(11) of your own images that have a different rhythm/pattern and       explain for each how this different rhythm/pattern was created by you in the composition,​
    • #1. (1) image showing a REPETION PATTERN IN A RHYTHM​
    • #2. (1) image showing a ALTERNATION PATTERN IN A RHYTHM
    • #3. (1) image showing a GRADATION PATTERN IN A RHYTHM
    • ​#4. (1) image showing EMPHASIZING THE RHYTHM PATTERN

    • #5 & #6. (2) images showing BREAKING THE RHYTHM PATTERN

    • #7. (1) image showing REGULAR RHYTHM
    • #8. (1) image showing FLOWING RYTHM
    • #9.  (1) image showing PROGRESSIVE RHYTHM
    • #10 & #11. (2) images showing IRREGULAR RHYTHM
    • BONUS. (1) image with accompanying song matching the rhythm and feel of your photo




  • 4-"Color" Sub Page--on this portfolio page, you will need 10 colorful images, plus the classroom notes describing the three components of color: hue, saturation, and luminosity. as well as notes on chroma values, warming and cooling colors, complimentary and contrasting colors, color wheel, and how color can make a composition stronger and more beautiful... include ELEVEN (11) of your own images with each displaying one of the required usages of color in the image, AND THEN beneath EACH image you need an extra text box with a description of how exactly a particular required COLOR usage is in that image:

    • #1           (1) image showing warming colors​

    • #2           (1) image showing cooling colors

    • #3 - #4  (2) images showing complimentary colors

    • #5 - #6  (2) images showing contrasting colors

    • #7           (1) image showing a high chroma value of colors

    • #8           (1) image showing a lower chroma value of colors

    • #9 - #10 (2) images that are Black and White

    • #11          (1) image that's part color and part B&W




  • 5-"Tone" Sub Page--description of what tone is and how Tone can be used to create the mood of an image...include eleven (11) of your own images that each have a distinctly different mood, then explain how tone helped you to create that mood for each image your selected. Also explain how you used editing to help enhance tone in each of the images your selected




  • 6-"Space" Sub Page--description of what it is and how the appropriate use of Space in a composition to improve the quality of a photographic image...include eleven (11) images of your own which show appropriate use of space for their compositions...
  • For each of these (11) images, explain how a space technique is used in the image:
    • (2) images highlighting the use of negative space 
    • (2) images highlighting filling up the image and having more positive space 
    • (2) images highlighting a nice foreground
    • (2) image with nice use of a middle ground 
    • (2) image with nice use of a background
    • (1) images showing the "rule of space" being applied
    • (1) BONUS PICTURE FOR EXTRA CREDIT - An image showing all of the above 6 characteristics of space effectively 




  • ​7-"Balance" Sub Page--description what it is and of how appropriate Balance of a composition can improve the quality of a photographic image. Include ELEVEN (11) images of your own...For each of your 11 images, explain what type of balance is used and how that type of balance can be clearly seen in your image composition:

    • (3) images showing symmetrical balance (centering)

    • (1) image showing circular balance 

    • (2) images showing the Rule of Thirds in a "landscape" orientation 

    • (2) images showing the Rule of Thirds in a "portrait" orientation

    • (2) images showing the "rule of odds"

    • (1) image showing "simplification" (a.k.a. minimalism)




  • 8-"Depth of Field" Sub Page--description of what it is and how different Depth of Field choices can be an advantage for improving a composition (notes). Include eleven (11) images of your own...In a text box beneath each image, explain how the depth of field you selected for the image improves the artistic quality of your image. For this page only, you must also include the camera settings (EXIF data) that were used to capture each image, put this info in the same text box beneath each of your images that describes how your selected depth of field improves the quality of the image:

    • (6) images that highlight using a shallow depth of field 

    • (5) images that highlight using a deep depth of field

    • (bonus points) add images demonstrating selective focus

    • (bonus points) add images showing compression of space (using long focal lengths)


    • EXIF data is found by: A. going to the folder on your computer where you have saved your image. B. right-clicking on the image C. in the right click-menu that appears, go to the bottom and select "Properties" D. in properties, there are 4 tabs at the top. select the 3rd tab for "Details" E. In details, scroll down to the 4th section for "Camera" F. The settings you need are listed there: F-stop. Exposure time, ISO speed. and Focal length




  • ​9-"Perspective" Sub Page--description of the absolute importance of Perspective to photography: what it is and how it can be used to improve the quality of a photograph. Include eleven (11) images, for each of the 7 different types of perspective ...explain how perspective improves the composition of each image along with a description of how you achieved that perspective in each of your images.

    • ​​-- Linear Perspective​ (2) Images

    • -- Rectilinear Perspective (2) Images

    • -- Cylindrical Perspective (3) Images

    • -- Overlap Perspective(1) Image

    • -- Dwindling Size Perspective (1) Image

    • -- Vanishing Point Perspective (1) Image

    • -- Height Perspective (1) Image 




  • 10-"Point of View" Sub Page--description of how selecting a different Point of View can change and improve a composition. List the different points of view that can exist and explain the effect of using each in a photograph. Include eleven (11) images of your own SHOWING ONE OF THE (5) DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW. For each of the 11 images, Explain how your selected point of view helped to improve your image composition along with a description of how you achieved that POINT OF VIEW in each of your images

    1.  -- Worm's Eye View (2) Images 

    2. ​ -- Bird's Eye View​ (2) Images 

    3.  -- Eye Level View (3) Images 

    4.  -- Becoming the Subject View (2) Images 

    5.  -- Juxtaposition View (2) Images




  • 11-"Framing" Sub Page--description of the absolute importance of Framing to eleven (11) of your own best images and give a detailed description of how you framed this image. Describe why you made the decisions to include what is in the composition. Plus, why you decided what NOT to include in the framing. Explain all of the extra editing processes you did to the image (such as cropping, clone stamp, image rotation, dodging, burning, etc.) which helped you to achieve your goals of creating the prefect framing for the image you have chose to highlight as your example.




(V.) - Black and White Photography Page— images that have no colors, only gray shades. MUST: have good use of exposure techniques and editing to create effective photos. There is a Required 5-10 images (depending on your class) published on this web-page, each with a unique titled name that adds to the impact of the composition.




(VI.) - Still Life Page— things no longer living: bowl of fruit, vase of flowers, jewelry, food, soda cans, figurines, coins, cell phone,  (minimum 10 images) Each images must use a different subject (10 different subjects in all)​




(VII.) - Landscapes/Nature Page—scenes in the outdoors: flowers, trees, beach, etc. (minimum 10 images). All images must have different scenes/subjects with each being uniquely different from each other (10 different scenes/subjects in all)​




(VIII.) - Macros Page—“the small close-up world” that is around you (minimum 10 images) All images must have different subjects with each being uniquely different from each other (10 different subjects in all)​




(IX.) - Self Portraits—images taken of yourself, by you with no one’s assistance (minimum 10 images). All images must have different backgrounds with each being uniquely different from each other (10 different uniquely different images in all)​





All images must be your own & taken by you 

(only you opened/closed the camera’s shutter)


Be sure to chose only your best photos …




Your score will be out of 500pts on an 90-80-70-60 scale

(e.g. –  455 score would be “A” & 300 would be “D”)  


Assessment will be based on the Photography Projects Rubric and the Photography Image Rubric (see bottom of this page below) with a focus on how well the compositions of each of your selected portfolio photos meet the “Foundations of Photographic Art in Composition" criteria


Examples of Student Portfolios:


older examples elements of art and principles of design


examples of format with 11 foundations of photography



---------teacher eXaMpLeS---------


current progress website example ivy digital photography T1 2020-2021


completed website example digital photography 2020-2021 (college credit)








The Rubric For Photographic Images will be used by your teacher to assess your artistic compositions:









Photo Rubric.jpg


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